01. Anpfiff  -  0,41 min
02. Bolzplatz, Fußball Rock`n Roll  -  3,04 min
03. Männersport  -  2,47 min
04. Deutsche Fußball National 11  -  4,54 min
05. Fußball Superstar  -  3,26 min
06. Reclaim the game  -  2,53 min
07. Fußball Religion  -  3,29 min
08. Keine Zeit   -  4:41 min
09. Auswärtsspiel  -  3.09 min
10. Dein Verein  -  4,48 min
11. Y.N.W.A  -  2,54 min
12. Abpfiff  -  1,23 min

Reclaime the game
(BOLZPLATZ co 2006)

We are true supporters weg go to every game.
Saturday, Sunday, even nights in
I don`t need no reason I need to see em play
All my life I watched out for next Saturday.

Sheffield brought us Tayler and the first mistake.
No way back! We accept! But Pay-TV’s a fake!
First it was a joke, in the end it was a shock.
Can’t believe the kick off is set on
12 o’clock.
12 o’clock!
It’s just a shock, shock, shock, shock!

Reclaim the game
Reclaim the game
Stand up on your terraces in all supporters name!

Commercials commercials every where you go.
Players just like puppets in a TV show.
Where is the club I loved? Where are the football roots?
All I see are companies with strangers on the roof!
What do they proove?
Should I be moved, should I be moved, moved, moved, moved, moved?

Reclaim the game
Reclaim the game
Stand up on your terraces in all supporters name!

The game for us’ not over, the game has just begun.
AFC and FCU are just the first in run!
We are prepared, we have time, we shall not be moved!

Don’t forget these words:

Not be moved

Not be moved, moved, moved, moved, moved!